> Datasheets Products > Datasheet Rectangular Tubes

Datasheet Rectangular Tubes

You can download our latest datasheet via the form below. This data allows you to make some calculations or helps you to decide which type of product is ideal for your specific project.

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Important to know

The data in this datasheet are approximate values, based on general purpose calculations and technical data sheets from material suppliers. The raw materials used can be replaced by alternative materials with equivalent values. Refitech B.V. can not take responsibility that products will meet the specification and will take no responsibility for any damages, directly or indirectly, related to the use of these products. If you want to use our parts for specific situations where mechanical properties are to be proofed or validated we strongly advise to functional test the products in the environment you are intend to use it. We have engineering expertise to support you with FEM analyses. If needed please contact us for further details.